In Love We Trust

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35 NIV

I want to give you a mathematical equation and relate that to this scripture:

If a=b, and if b=c, then a=c.

Here is the application:

If God is love, and if our country believes that “In God we Trust,” then our country’s other motto MUST BE, “in LOVE we trust.”

As children of God, it is the LOVE we show that will cause people to know who we really are. The reason why so many people have been disgusted by the Christian faith, is not because of Christ, but because we as His followers have not done the best job at exemplifying love personified. Love is MORE than just a word. More than a feeling. It is an action and a CALL to action. If we call ourselves a country who has built our foundation on God, then we have to be a country who has built our foundation on LOVE. Our principles must be love-based. Our interactions with every person we encounter must be love-based. Even our POLICIES must be love-based. We must be willing to help EACH AND EVERY PERSON to be the best they can be, because that is what it means to love. We must be willing to reach down in order to build up, because that is what it means to love. We must be willing to be a little uncomfortable for others’ sakes and so we can help them, because that is what it means to love.



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